Board of Selectmen
February 25, 2009
Members present: Doug Walter, John Murray
William Cavanaugh-absent
Others Present: Richard Furlong, David Bonney, Colleen O’Connor, Beth VanNess, Bill Brownhill
7:01 PM Meeting opened. Reviewed minutes. John motioned to accept the minutes of February 4, 2009, Doug seconded. Motion passed.
John motioned to sign the Chapter 90 Project Request in the amount of $19,198.77 to cover the balance of 2009 International Dump Truck, Doug seconded. Motion passed.
John motioned to appoint Barbara Stuhlmann as alternate to the Planning Board term to expire June 30, 2009, Doug seconded. Motion passed.
The Selectmen reviewed letter from the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission regarding appointing someone to the Transportation Advisory Committee. The Metropolitan Planning Organization and Berkshire Regional Planning Commission organized the TAC to serve as a standing advisory committee to the MPO. Beth VanNess inquired about this committee and advised that she would be interested in serving on it. John motioned to appoint Beth VanNess to the Transportation Advisory Committee, Doug seconded. Motion passed.
Public Input: Colleen O’Connor asked about the Becket General Store. Richard read the email that he received regarding the water test results and the next phase to be completed by the company doing the testing on site. They will be testing the area around the fuel tank and determine the course of action.
John motioned to sign the letter of intent to participate in the Southern Berkshire County Regional Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program for fiscal year 2010, Doug seconded. Motion passed.
The Selectmen reviewed the letter from Berkshire Regional Planning Commission regarding Potential 2010 CDBG Grant application. Briefly discussed this grant. Richard advised that this grant could be used to upgrade town owned buildings, repair sidewalks in the village, etc. He also advised that this is a very competitive grant program. Discussed appointing a task force to continue work on the 2004 Community Development Plan. Richard will call BRPC regarding timelines.
The Selectmen reviewed letter of resignation from Jeanne Pryor from the Community Preservation Committee effective February 18, 2009. John motioned to accept the resignation of Jeanne Pryor from the Community Preservation Committee effective February 18, 2009, Doug seconded. Motion passed. The Selectmen would like this vacancy posted on the website and put in the Country Journal. The Selectmen would also like a letter of thanks sent to Jeanne Pryor.
John motioned to initial the Becket Ambulance Department Request for Write-Off Report, Doug seconded. Motion passed.
The Selectmen reviewed the monthly report of the Board of Assessors.
Board of Selectmen
February 25, 2009
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Any other business: Richard advised that there is a new lift at the highway department. Lenny saved enough money by recycling sand to purchase it. The Selectmen would like a letter sent to Lenny thanking him for his ingenuity.
Richard advised that he locked into the heating oil price for next year in the amount of $1.61 per gallon. This does not include the delivery cost per gallon.
Richard advised that Mike Pease replaced the closet doors in the community room and repaired the wall in the police office where someone kicked a hole in it.
Richard advised that the bids for the ice storm damage were thrown out. This will be rebid to include leaners and hangers. Briefly discussed the ice storm damage. All of the contractors that submitted a bid were notified so they can rebid if they choose to.
Richard advised that BRPC has money to do free energy audits for cities and towns. If a town completes an energy audit, it would be eligible for a Green Community Acts grant. Colleen asked about solar panels. She wanted to know what a person would need to do if they wanted to install solar panels at their home. Richard advised that they would need to contact the building inspector to make sure that their roof could handle the load. The building inspector would also be able to advise the owners if they would need to apply for a variance.
Nina advised that she heard from Bill Elovirta that the new police cruiser has been repaired and is back and running. Richard advised that Marc Portieri has not been back to work since the accident and he was not sure when he would be returning.
Richard advised that the Council on Aging will have an inspection on Tuesday by Elder Services and that Sonny Nelson would like the floor in the community room and the kitchen stripped and waxed. Discussed the possibility of doing the floors over the weekend.
Reviewed correspondence.
7:40 PM John motioned to adjourn, Doug seconded. Motion passed.
Reviewed payroll/expense warrants.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary William F. Cavanaugh, Chairman